  • 宝沃石油与伊拉克石油公司(SCOP)签署谅解备忘录
    2019年9月24日,在伊拉克首都巴格达,北京宝沃石油有限责任公司总裁范维旺与伊拉克石油公司(SCOP)总经理Raad Rafeeq在伊拉克石油部签署谅解备忘录。
  • 宝沃石油总部乔迁新址
    随着公司国际业务的迅猛发展和持续扩展,总部已搬迁至北京市大兴区金源路文化中心4号楼9层。 新办公室配备了化学实验室、研发中心和会议室。更重要的是,新的工作环境有效提高员工的工作积极性和效率。
  • 我司伊拉克钻井液项目的新成果
  • 伊拉克发电项目取得重大进展
  • 马来西亚石油公司授予宝沃石油工程总包项目合同
  • 宝沃石油中标中石油哈法亚油田钻井液材料、设备和服务项目
  • Oil price could make upwards break towards $60
    Opec's proposed deal to cut production has "put a floor" under the oil price at around $50 a barrel, Reuters says.
  • OPEC Calls Informal September Meeting
    The Vienna-based Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries said in a statement that the meeting would take place on the sidelines of the International Energy Forum in Algeria from September 26 to 28.
  • Oil price back into bull market territory
    Brent crude, the international oil price benchmark, rose above $51 a barrel at one point during afternoon trading in New York, before paring gains to close a little below that threshold. It was holding at around $50.80 a barrel in London this morning.
  • China Oil Imports Hit Records
    China’s February crude oil imports jumped 20 per cent year on year to their highest ever on a daily basis, as prices at their lowest in more than a decades drove buying from a group of new importers and state and
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